Papers on CEA


Several evaluation and review has conducted by the independent reviewers. Following are the few reference

1.     The first independent evaluation was done by CIRDAP in 2002 by  Dr. Muhammad Solaiman and Md Shafiqur Rahman. Titled Community Initiative for Fisheries Development

2.     Floodplain Aquaculture – World Fish Center documentation

3.     The evolution of a floodplain aquaculture management system in Bangladesh

4.     The Daudkandi model of community floodplain aquaculture in Bangladesh: a case for Ostrom’s design principles file:///H:/Website%20materials/Published%20Paper%20on%20SHISUK%20CEA/511-5619-3-PB%20(1).pdf

5.     Common Interests, Private Gains - A Study of Co-operative Floodplain Aquaculture Rick Gragory and Kazi Ali Taufique

6.     The Political Economy of Community-Based Fisheries Management in Bangladesh Mushtaq H. Khan